# Template Examples
# Twig Templates
# Add a user to a Klaviyo List
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
<!-- Add to the list -->
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="FOO123" />
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Using a Klaviyo List Field from a global entry
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="{{ global.myKlaviyoList.id }}" />
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Add a user to a Klaviyo List in accordance with that list’s settings
The difference with the above is that if double opt-in is enabled for the list, the user won’t be added right away, but only after they’ve confirmed their subscription by email.
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
<!-- Add to the list -->
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="FOO123" />
<input type="hidden" name="subscribe" value="1" />
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Add a user to multiple Klaviyo Lists
Using the Klaviyo Lists Field from a global entry
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
{% for id, name in global.myKlaviyoLists %}
<input type="hidden" name="lists[]" value="{{ id }}" />
{% endfor %}
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Track Event
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
<!-- Event to track -->
<input type="hidden" name="event[name]" value="Event Foo" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[unique_id]" value="a1b2c3" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[value]" value="100.98" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[value_currency]" value="USD" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[FooBar]" value="Foo Bar" />
<!-- Profile Details -->
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Tracking an event with a custom timestamp
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[name]" value="My Event" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[unique_id]" value="some-id" />
<!-- The timestamp to set the event to in Klaviyo -->
<input type="hidden" name="event[timestamp]" value="2019-12-02T00:30:00" />
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Track an event and add a user to a Klaviyo List
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
<!-- Add to the list -->
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="FOO123" />
<!-- Event to track -->
<input type="hidden" name="event[name]" value="Event Foo" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[unique_id]" value="a1b2c3" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[value]" value="110.99" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[value_currency]" value="CAD" />
<input type="hidden" name="event[FooBar]" value="Foo Bar" />
<!-- Profile Details -->
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Identify a user
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/identify" />
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Extra profile properties
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/track" />
{{ redirectInput('/thankyou') }}
<!-- Add to the list -->
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="foo123" />
<!-- Profile properties -->
<input type="email" name="email" />
First Name
<input type="text" name="profile[first_name]" />
Last Name
<input type="text" name="profile[last_name]" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Use profile[properties][Custom property]
to add a custom property (opens new window) to a profile:
<input type="text" name="profile[properties][Notes]" />
# Forward a POST request after Klaviyo Connect has identified a user
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/identify" />
<input type="hidden" name="forward" value="/commerce/cart/update-cart" />
{{ redirectInput('/commerce/cart') }}
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="hidden" name="shippingAddressId" value="{{ address.id }}" />
<input type="hidden" name="sameAddress" value="1" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Update a user's Klaviyo profile
Prior to v4.0.10 it was possible to update/create profile fields when using any of this plugin's controllers simply by adding them to a form. Due to changes in the Klaviyo Identify API this is no longer possible for certain profile fields (ID, Email, and Telephone Number).
This controller action will allow udpating a user's profile, including their email and telephone number fields. Because there is no guarantee that other profile fields will also be made off-limits, we advise using this new controller if you want to alter user's profile data.
In order to make any updates you must supply either the Klaviyo id
, or an email
address of an existing Klaviyo user.
Update the email address by use of a new_email
input. Likewise, update the telephone number with an input named new_phone
Any other profile fields can be updated (or created) by using their name.
<form method="POST">
{{ csrfInput() }}
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="/klaviyoconnect/api/update-profile" />
<input type="email" name="email" required />
New Email
<input type="email" name="new_email" />
<input type="text" name="new_phone" />
Address 1
<input type="text" name="address" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
# Klaviyo Email Templates
# Profile Details and Cart/Order Items
Assuming the event triggering the Klaviyo flow is one of Started Checkout, Placed Order or Updated Cart:
<p>Hi {{ first_name }} {{ last_name }},</p>
<p>Your cart is waiting:</p>
{% for item in event.Items %}
<img alt="item.SKU" src="{{ item.ImageURL }}" />
<a href="{{ item.ProductURL }}">
{{ item.ProductName }}
{% endfor %}
<a href="https://mysite.com/actions/klaviyoconnect/cart/restore?number={{ event.OrderNumber }}">Go to your cart</a>